Programs and Opportunities


SVHS is dedicated to keeping current technology in the classroom. We have a tradition of having internet computers available for every student in the school through desktop computers in every classroom as well as a computer lab for whole classes use. We also have current industry preferred software, such as Microsoft office and Photoshop.

Online College Dual Credit

Students are welcome to take online college courses at any accredited institution of their choice. SVHS provides classroom space, a teacher to assist and supervise and academic advisor to facilitate the enrollment process. High school credit will be awarded upon completion of the course.

Online Advanced Placement Facilitation

Students are welcome to enroll in Advanced Placement courses (Usually with APEX learning) SVHS provides classroom space, a teacher to assist and supervise and academic advisor to facilitate the enrollment process. High school credit will be awarded upon completion of the course.

Online Credit Recovery

SVHS Maintains licenses with Odysseyware. A computer based education provider who delivers the comprehensive Core, Elective and CTE K-12 curriculum. SVHS provides a teacher who assists, supervises, grades and encourages. Students are given rigorous content which can either be taken to recover credit, replace courses missed by transfer students, or to enhance a student’s schedule.

1 to 1 Devices

The Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District supports utilization of devices by students at a ratio of one device per student. Students at SVHS may use these devices at school and at home to access digital textbooks, course content, homework and the internet. Students and parents sign safe use agreements and the students are protected by Palo Alto filtering software at school and GoGuardian management software at all times.


Wifi is available throughout the main building and the Ag shop to facilitate easy, fast access to the internet on iPads.


Vicente Fernandez is the Athletic Director. Despite small size, SVHS is committed to ensuring the survival of our sports program. The Booster club raises money for new uniforms and Block-S collects the gate fee to compensate officials.


Girls Volleyball is played in the Fall. In recent years, all players have been on the Varsity team. They compete successfully against the larger schools in the Evergreen League and have frequently earned a spot in the playoffs.


The Basketball season spans from December through February. Like many of the schools in the Evergreen League, SVHS fields boys and Girls Varsity teams, with athlete from 9-12 grade playing. Homecoming is during Basketball season.

High Interest Electives

Ag Mechanics

Miss Matteucci teaches agricultural mechanics in the Spring Term. Students learn about safety, welding, small engines, woodworking, metal shop electrical.

Floral/Ornamental Horticulture

Miss Matteucci teaches the Ornamental Horticulture/Floral course in the Spring Term. Students learn basic floral designs and practices, greenhouse maintenance operations and practices and plant care.


Miss Matteucci teaches Welding in the Fall Term. Students learn about basic welding principles with oxy fuels, MIG welding and stick welding, plasma cutting and oxy fuel cutting.


Mr. Schulz teaches the technology Course in the Spring Term. Students will learn to build circuits, design webpages, write computer code, build a robot and document their efforts as they go.


Mrs. Bordwell Teaches the Drama Course In the Fall Term. Students learn improvisation techniques, theater practices, line memorization, playwriting, staging, production and performance.


FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Miss Matteucci is the FFA Advisor.

Judging Teams

There are several types of FFA judging contests (otherwise known as Career Development Events) in which High School age kids compete based on their knowledge of a particular subject. The purpose of these competitions is to determine which team and individuals have the best ability to evaluate a particular animal or item as compared to an “official”. The official placings and answers are set by an expert in the discipline. Officials are often from agricultural universities or USDA employees.

SVHS students have the option of traveling to competitions throughout the northstate with teams in livestock, small engines, floriculture, agronomy, and ag mechanics

Other Competitive Teams

There are other opportunities for competition in FFA. Students deliver speeches of recitations and are compared to other students throughout the northstate. Some of the teams possible are Creed, prepared public speaking, extemporaneous speaking and Opening and closing teams.

Travel and Conferences

Students travel each year to the Greenhand Leadership Conference, Made for Excellence Conference, Advanced Leadership Academy, State Leadership Conference. Every other year, the FFA members have the opportunity to raise funds to attend the National FFA Leadership Conference in Louisville, Kentucky and visit Washington D.C.

Hoop Wars

FFA Members and The Hoop Wars committee host the Hoop Wars tournament each year as a fundraiser for the FFA and to fund scholarships for the Hoop Wars Committee members.

Academic Decathlon

The United States Academic Decathlon® is a ten-event scholastic competition for teams of high school students. Mr. Schulz is the Academic Decathlon advisor.

Each high school in Modoc county enters a team of nine students: 3 “A” or Honor students (3.750 – 4.00 GPA), 3 “B” or Scholastic students (3.00 – 3.749 GPA), and 3 “C or below” Varsity students (0.00 – 2.999 GPA). The students study materials chosen for the year’s competition and travel to Modoc High School on the first Saturday in February to compete against Modoc and Tulelake High Schools.


Mrs. Bordwell is the CSF Advisor. The California Scholarship Federation is a state-wide organization which recognizes students who excel in college preparatory courses. membership drives are at the beginning of each term and membership is determined by the grades of the previous term.

Honor Roll

The Honor Roll recognizes students who earn at least a 3.2 GPA. Students who are on the honor roll all four semesters in the year, are invited on the Honor Roll Rafting Trip in the spring. Frequently 25% or more of SVHS students are on the honor roll. In 2018, 14 of our 32 students were eligible for the rafting trip.

Academic Advisor

SVHS has an academic advisor on site everyday to help students choose education and career goals that are in line with their abilities and interests. The Academic advisor is here to assist students to decide on educational and career paths. She is the person to help students add or drop classes and make scheduling decisions. Mrs. Bordwell is the academic Advisor.

Rigorous and Relevant Graduation Requirements

SVHS has a 240 credit graduation requirement. 150 of those credits are academic course requirements and 90 are elective credits. The state of California requires 130 credits. SVHS also offers the additional courses needed for admittance into the University of California and the California State University.

Student Council

The SVHS student council is elected by the student body. They meet weekly, fundraise, and plan for pep rallies, Homecoming, Prom and many other activities to build school pride and keep SVHS a fun and interesting place to be. Mrs. Carey is the Student Council Advisor.


The Annual yearbook is created by students who take and choose pictures, design layouts and write copy to tell the story of the SVHS year. The book is created entirely online, so staff can work on their pages on any computer in the school or at home. Mrs. Bordwell is the Yearbook Advisor.